
Using APRS for GPS locating on iPhone Maps

While playing with the Navizon Virtual GPS on my iPhone I noticed an important and very cool feature of the Google maps application, it can use KML from a website to pinpoint a location. With KML the possibilities are endless, but for one, there's a great site at http://aprs.fi/ for converting APRS locations over-the-air (via Amateur Radio) into a KML URL. This site also has the best Google map interface for tracking I've seen, yet.

So, for instance, if you open the Maps application and type "http://aprs.fi/aprsupdate.kml?call=W5JDP-2" into the search bar it'll actually pinpoint the location from the KML file on the map. In this case "W5JDP" is my callsign and "-2" is the ID that just happens to be the last reported location of my boat "Sundown" on Lake Lewisville near Dallas, TX. What's cool is that lots of HAM Radio operators already have a transmitter like this beaconing as they drive around in their cars. Now, with an iPhone they can use that information to see where they're at on the map.

Unfortunately, I just noticed that when you bookmark this pinpoint, it doesn't actually save the KML URL, just the coordinates it retrieved. Also, it doesn't seem as if you can browse for the link in Safari and have it open the map application. This wouldn't be too hard to 'fix' if Apple associated a KML file with the Maps application, allowing business owners to have a "Show me on a map" link.

I'll also mention that if you're not a licensed radio operator, but still technically inclined, there is a similar effort based on other GPS enabled cellphones detailed over at http://mologogo.wikispaces.com/.

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